

This project is the final project of Skilvul Virtual Internship : UI/UX Challenge. The main purpose of this challenge is to redesign the interface of an insurtech website, namely PasarPolis.

PasarPolis is one of the aggregator platforms for insurance that is currently focusing on growing brand awareness of its products, namely PasarPolis Employee Benefit through the website eb.pasarpolis.io.

PasarPolis has been present in Indonesia since 2015 to revolutionize insurance which has been so complicated, by utilizing the latest technology to simplify and speed up all processes of PasarPolis customer service from start to claim. PasarPolis technology ensures that all your transaction experiences on PasarPolis are safe, fast, and on target.

Why choose PasarPolis ?

The reason why choose PasarPolis is because we present solutions by leveraging technology so that everyone can access insurance. PasarPolis technology ensures that all your transaction experiences on PasarPolis are safe, fast, and on target. The packages that you will find on the PasarPolis search engine have been tailored to your needs from our various superior products, making your transaction process easier through the help of technological algorithms. Supported by a friendly and alert PasarPolis customer service team, your comfort is our priority.

Pasarpolis team:

In making the Pasarpolis design I was assisted by my team, namely Arief Nurfareza, Alis tyaning dan Khonsaa alya salsabil. In this team we help each other.

Design Process:


When making Pasarpolis we used design thinking, which was carried out in 5 stages, namely: empathize, define, ideate, prototyping and testing which is useful for gathering ideas so that designs on mobile and web can look better

1.Empathy At this stage it focuses on the wants and needs of the user. we review the insurance web and see the advantages and disadvantages of the web, and look for problems from the web because at this stage the problem will be solved by the designer. 2. Define At this stage the problem has been collected by the team and compiled into several cores such as illustrations, there is no chat feature. look at the pain points below


  1. Idea

    At this stage, my team and I are looking for solutions to problems that have been found so that the learnme platform can be used by users properly. Therefore, we group the ideas that have been collected according to the problems found. After that, we roughly design the shape of the platform that will be made on paper and discuss what kind of display will be made so that we can see how the platform will look like. The next thing we do is create a user flow so you can see the steps that will be taken when creating the platform later. After creating the user flow we create a wireframe which outlines an item to create an application.


  2. Prototype At this stage we have started in designing the polis market. we have grouped the colors and other components so that it is easy to design on the website or on mobile. We are also looking for good illustrations to be user friendly. After designing we proceed to the prototype stage, we connect everything to give a good overview of the application. Below is the link of our prototype:


  1. Testing After prototyping and finalizing the design, we will pilot the prototype to users, our user is Yudha, he is one of the employees in a development company. After finding users, we will interview users about the prototype that we have made according to the question form that has been created on google spreadsheets, the user is quite satisfied with our prototype and gives a score of 6.5 and also the user gives suggestions, namely in the offer column. here is the latest link UI Design that we have fixed according to suggestions from users:



After doing the ui design step by step and conducting interviews with the users, the users were quite satisfied. With that I hope our design can be used by Pasarpolis as a reference